Campaign Builder: Castles & Crowns (Hardcover)

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A telling nod.  The flick of a wrist this way, or that.  How one bows, stands, walks, talks - all courtly mannerisms that intertwine to form a language all their own.  This is the dance of royalty.

Don't get us started on the actual dancing.

So you want to build a kingdom, eh?  Fear not: this book right here has everything, from culture to castle, you'll need to build your very own!  Within this tome, you'll find guides for:

  • Awarding titles, creating factions, waging war, and drawing treaties
  • Constructing castles, manors, and palaces
  • Adding NPCs at all caste levels: from rulers to generals, courtiers to jesters, and so on.
  • Kingdom examples to use, more player options, and magic items a-plenty

Create a functional fiefdom for your party to explore, infultrate, or topple to their hearts' content!