The purple streak in the sky broke through the dark of night, and with its coming marked the beginning of the Awis: the Long Winter. Through the strain on resources and the stress of loss, the strange purple markings that began to appear on peoples' skin seemed to hold new hope for the world. The chosen few in possession of the Adahnehdi - The Gift - developed supernatural abilities that gave them to help their communities through their trials.
Now, 700 years later, the world is well on its way to healing and a time of plenty is upon us. With the advancement of technology and the honing of Adanehdi, a bright future full of adventure awaits those who seek it. There's still plenty to do: tribal tensions are an ever-present connundrum, and the myths of old full of talk of great monsters and spirits may be more than legend...
Coyote & Crow is an Indigenous-lead, D12-based RPG that imagines a world where American colonization never occurred and an unexplained apocolyptic event lead to the appearance of what, in our minds, could only be magic. With an innovative mix of science fiction and fantasy, as well as a space for diversity without it being a second-thought, and combining traditional practices of tribes across Turtle Island, Coyote & Crow offers a world of continuous interest and a host of storytelling opportunity for all.
This RPG is designed to be accessible to everyone, and provides insight for non-Indigenous folks on how to navigate this space with respect. So come, sit down, strap in, and enjoy an exciting new setting!