Music thrums around you as you step down, down, down into the underground...
Down into a crush of bodies, swallowed by the tangle. You are an outsider here, standing out amidst the other patrons: you are, after all, human. The pulsing lights illuminate the rectangular pupils of a goat man leaned against the wall by the door, his lips pulled in a jeering grin. You pass a horse-headed woman pressed close to a boar and a wall of various other beast-headed people swaying around the edge of a packed dance floor.
While the music is heady and the drink tempting, you can't afford to join the mass: you're on a rescue mission.
Dread Revels is a Mork Borg compatible RPG that sends players into a nightclub populated by animal-headed fanatics mid drunken revelry. Only a quick mind and careful timing will ensure your survival. Slip up, slack at all, or stay too long and prepare to become supper!
WARNING: Mork Borg games are intended for mature audiences! Subject material within may not be suitable for readers under the age of 18.