There is a form of magic item that even the most skilled of casters are wary to touch. Only the foolish, brave, or desparate may use such a thing, and the price of their hubris can be just as legendary as the power it can grant its users.
They call it: The Deck of Many Things.
The title is a bit on the nose, perhaps, but an apt desctription.
Dare to draw a card from The Deck? This box set includes everything you'll need! Included within are:
- The Book of Many Things: A hardcover of lore surrounding decks, including story hooks and how to use the deck.
- The Deck of Many Things Card Reference Guide: A comprehensive guide with expanded explanations of each card and how to use it.
- A Deck Box
- The Deck of Many Things: The item, the myth, the legend itself! Contains the original 22 cards, as well as extra ones to customize your collection as would best suit your campaign.