Messengers are disappearing on their routes. Their horses are attacked, and often brutally dismembered. It may seem trivial for a letter to be late, but given how much trade, political peace, and news hinges on a little slip of paper, something must be done soon.
And the locals know exactly what's to blame: a Griffon.
Uh oh, something's shooting (or eating) messengers! This bird might be the reason a little village never learns of an evil wizard's undead army approaching, or the king never hear's his son was released from hostage and goes to war with the neighboring kingdom. Pick up this 5E compatible encounter-in-a-box and enjoy:
- 2 Miniatures, a detailed griffon and an unfortunate horse and rider
- A battlemap
- An Encounter Booklet, which contains both stat blocks and useful story prompts
The Epic Encounters: Local Legends kits are designed to be paired with the Tavern Kit, but do not require it.