Whispers in taverns across the realms speak of a hag seeking to achieve godhood by tapping into ancient magical leylines and drawing power from the very fabric of the universe.
If the rumors are true, it could mean the unravelling of the world...
The Night Hag, Marshina, has her eyes set on expanding her power beyond her means, and someone has to stop her! That someone could be you if you pick up your very own 5E compatible Epic Encounters: Local Lgends - Night Hag kit, which includes:
- 4 Miniatures: One hag weilding a scythe, and three will-o-the-whisps
- A battlemap
- An Encounter Booklet, which contains both stat blocks and helpful lore
The Epic Encounters: Local Legends kits are designed to be paired with the Tavern Kit, but do not require it.