Fate RPG: Core System

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Welcome to Fate Core, your one-stop shop for running a campaign in any setting you want! This flexible system sets you up with character and dice-rolling mechanics that can be slotted into almost any setting, from fantasy to modern day to space. In Fate, character sheets are made up of a series of generalized stats called "skills", which range from empathy to fight to wealth, and traits and backgrounds called "aspects", of which Fate Core provides many options and also provides you the tools to build your own. Characters also recieve their own special abilties, called "stunts", which are particular features characters either start knowing or learn throughout the campaign.

Throughout the game you accumulate Fate Points, which can be used to re-roll dice or power up particularly powerful abilities. Fate Core runs using "fudge dice", which are six sided dice with pluses, minuses, and zeros. But don't worry if you don't own fudge dice- it's easy to sub in standard d6s instead! Create the world and the characters you want easily with Fate Core!