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Escape the events of our current "Roaring '20s" to those of a century ago in Flabbergasted!  This RPG is a narrative-driven experience for 3-6 players in which you'll take on one of four roles: the Aristocrat, Well-to-Do, Bohemian, or Staff

You'll create connections, both interpersonally and with Social Clubs as you play - and with this, you'll build your ever-important reputation.  Talk to the right people, look in the right places, and you may even find yourself joining the ranks of a secret society!  Who you are and how you conduct yourself in each setting will lead you down various paths as your story unfolds.  In this book, you'll find:

  • Guides and suggestions for players, both Characters and the Director
  • Detailed information on the city setting: Peccadillo
  • More than 60 Story Hooks

And more!  Whether you decided to get in good with the upper class, or your name becomes synonymous with 'scandal,' you're in for a good story!