That goblin wearing a potato sack claims they are a cleric. It's becoming increasingly clear they cannot read the scroll they're holding. Another one is wearing nothing but a cape, stained tighty-whities, and a Zoro mask while brandishing a stick with a nail through it and insisting he's a rogue.
There are five goblins in ridiculous little outfits, and they're all almost certainly going to die. Why not have a great time doing it?
Goblin Quest is a silly RPG that is quick to learn and quick to spiral out of hand. Players each create and play five goblins - to clarify, each of you is individually piloting five goblins, not that there will be five goblins total - and watch as their own antics pick them off. Everyone has equal agency in the direction of their story, so there's no need for a GM! The only tools other than this book that you'll need are some paper, pencils, and some D6s.
This book also comes with rules for plaing in alternate settings, which are:
- Kobold Quest
- My Name is Inigo Montoya Jr.
- Sean Bean Quest
- The Cthulhu Files
- Neither Super, Nor Heroic
- Space Interns
- Regency Ladies, the Roleplaying Game