Heart: The City Beneath RPG

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Under the lofty Spire erected by High Elf oppressors, a whole world roils.  Where above, prejudices define life's hierarchy, down here, all are equal in desparation.  The earth squelches beneath your feet, and danger lurks around every fleshy cavern corner.

This is a realm of unreality - of blood, bone, and indescriminant death.  Angels surge through cavities like a holy immunesystem, and the stronger you become, the more certain your doom.  

Heart: The City Beaneath RPG is a continuation of the Spire RPG's world.  Discovered and quickly occupied beneath the city of Spire, Heart is a world of equalizing.  Heart adds an interesting twist on calls-to-action, Callings, which are various reasons that pulled you into the realm that will continously impact your character's fate, but can be expanded on for individuality.  This book has everything you'll need to dive below:

- Updated and expanded rules

- Nine Classes and Five Callings for character creation

- 21 Zenith Abilities - The height of you power, and lethal to use

- Landmarks, Adversaries, and Lore

And more!  Will you survive down here, or will you succumb to your Calling?