Heroscape: Terrain Expansion - The Grove at Laur's Edge

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2 Players

Ages 14+

60-120 Minute Play Time

A seasoned warrior uses terrain to their advantage.  Trees that would once be obstacles, instead become cover.  Grasses that would trip you, instead become traps for your enemies.  In Valhalla, only clever and capable warriors get their stories told in mead halls - not those who tripped and fell over vines or ran head-first into branches.

Be a seasoned warrior.  Watch out for trees.

Heroscape is a two player miniature game where high quality, interlocking 3D hex tiles are linked together to create land masses and pools of water for characters to navigate.  The Valkyrie generals call upon warriors from across space and time to fight for the glory of the planet Valhalla.  

Heed their command and take the battle to the lush Laur Jungle with this Grove of Laur’s Edge Terrain Expansion!  This set is compatible with previous and future Heroscape Master Sets and Battle Boxes, and comes with 3 trees and 6 underbrush pieces.

The Grove of Laur’s Edge Terrain Expansion is not a Standalone game set and requires a Heroscape Battle Box or Master Set to play!

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