Humblewood (5E): Campaign Setting Book

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Nestled between the mighty Crest Mountains and marshy Mokk Fields lies the lush forest of Humblewood.  Once peaceful and prosperous, Humblewood is now being ravaged by fire that threatens to destroy everything the animal inhabitants hold dear.  The forest needs heroes like you to restore balance before all falls to ash!

Looking to combine cozy, forested fantasy with great adventure?  Would you like to play a bipedal animal wielding a sword and shield, or casting spells to protect their home?  Welcome to the world of Everden: a place where all this, and more, is possible!  Humblewood is a 5E compatible campaign book that includes everything you’ll need to swoop into your story:

  • Character creation, including 4 new subclasses and a host of species - from birdfolk like the corvid-like Corvum and owl-like Strig, to mammalian people like the deerlike Cervans and raccoon-like Mapach.
  • New spells, feats, and plenty of magic items to go around
  • 50 New monsters to populate the shadows and dance through flames of the chaos-struck forest
  • 11 New maps of regions throughout Humblewood

Take wing, rise to your paws, gear up, and set out to save your home!