Liminal Horror

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Horrors beyond your comprehension await you in the shadows

Well, they might be beyond MOST people's comprehension.  You get them, though.  You kind of wish they'd stop trying to kill you, and maybe you could hang out, instead.  Split an orange together.  Watch a movie.  Lay in a grassy field and wonder up at the stars.

You could be friends, you and The Horrors. 

Sadly, these horrors won't be holding hands (tentacles?) with you anytime soon.  Welcome to Liminal Horror: a rules-lite modern horror game designed for those who enjoy games like Call of Cthulhu and Monster of the Week, but want less structure and more narrative-driven gameplay.  Players take on the roles of Investigators that are unlikely to survive the plot -  and if they do, they'll be forever changed by it.  This book includes:

  • Gameplay rules, Stress & Fallout mechanics, and focuses on modern horror
  • A clean, clear layout for ease of quick reference
  • A new Wounds system, as well as new Character Archetypes
  • Diagrams and tables galore!