Join the prolific and accident-prone Sir Nominus, a skeleton who manages to keep getting himself killed, as he takes you through 30 of his adventures!
The Quest-O-Nomicon is a fantastic tool for GMs looking for interesting quests to incorporate into their ongoing campaigns, as one-shot palate cleansers, or beginner's trials for friends new to 5E! The book is designed for players to start all the way at level 1, and level as you work your way through. However, each story is easily customizable - so if you like something but don't want an episodic campaign, or it works for a larger plot you have going but doesn't fit everyone's levels, you can adjust as much as you like!
This book includes:
- (As previously mentioned) 30 Quests
- Magic Items to uncover
- Narratively interesting creatures and NPCs
- Bases, homes, and sanctuaries to make your own
- Tips and tricks for GMs, both new and experienced