The battle has waged on for hours. Bloody and exhausted, you and your party stare up at the mighty beast that has plagued this land for too long. With the last of your energy, you raise your swords and stalves and-
"Uhhh, DM? I just realized I have this scroll in my bag."
... Well, crap. What's the radius on that again?
"DM, what's the captive NPC's name? I want to try and charm them into helping us."
Um. It's.. It-
"DM, what's the range on the dragon's breath atta-"
This ever happen to you?
Keep your DM secrets safe and your on-the-fly reference tables ready with this DM screen for your Tales of the Valiant campaign! With a panoramic piece of an epic battle for your players to enjoy, and helpful tables on the inside so you can both answer questions and make last-second changes for the betterment of your story.