The Stifling Dark

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2-5 Players

Ages 14+

60-120 Minute Play Time

You run blindly through the dark, your flashlight fading as roots catch on your toes and branches in your hair.  Panic makes you slow - or, at least, feel it - and your own ragged breath is loud to your ears as you desperately listen for any sign of your pursuer.  A snap of a twig to the left, and  you whip around.  Was it friend or foe? The shaking beam of light illuminates its feet, and slowly climbs to settle on its face... 

You're doomed.

In The Stifling Dark, one player takes the role of adversary, of which there are several options with different goals to win.  The rest of the players assume the roles of investigators attempting to escape the forest they find themsleves stranded in.  Much like in the videogame Dead by Daylight, investigators have two options of escape: either by fixing a car (much like generators in DBD) or through a gate.  Investigators are armed with little more than flashlights to reveal the location the adversary lurks and their shaken wits. 

Can they escape the clutches of this hidden monster, or will they disappear into the night with nothing more than a quickly silenced scream to remember them by? 

Product Type:
Base Game
Play Style:
Play Style:
Play Style:
Team Based