Ultimate RPG: Oh Captain, My Captain!

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The ties that bind a crew to their captain can be as tangled as old netting and as deep as the sea... what kind of connection do you have with yours?

Whether you're just getting your sea legs in the RPG scene, or your a seasoned sailor whose seen the shores of many realms, this is a fantastic addition to any shelf.  Oh Captain, My Captain! is a fast-paced worldbuilding RPG in which players will flip cards and answer the open-ended questions that will quickly begin to weave the tapestry of your crew's tale.  Discover who your captain is, who you are to each other, and what it means to stand beside your hero in as little as 30 minutes!

Additionally, Oh Captain is genre-flexible: after all, 'captain' is a variable title!  At its heart, this game is about heroes and what it means to know them.  So, whether you'd like to sail the seven seas or blast off amidst the stars, wait on a mighty king or get closer to the most popular girl in school, this RPG can support it!