Vaesen: Nordic Horror Roleplaying

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They have always been there.

Your buildings may rise and the illusion of distance from the old ways may bring comfort, but in the shadows of this world - from ancient grove to darkened alley - they are there.  Though most eyes skid over them, unseeing and forgotten, yours know them for what they are:


Spirits.  Gods.  Monsters.

From the mind, pen, and paintbrush of Johan Egerkrans comes this Nordic Folklore-inspired roleplaying game.  Vaesen runs off of the Zero Engine game system and combines intrigue and horror all in one beautifully illustrated experience. This book includes:

- 10 Character archetypes and several life paths for both in depth and randomized character creation

- Rules for combat and investigating mysteries, as well as creating the characters' headquarters as the game progresses

- World details for both the general setting and the town of Upsala

- Tables for Vaesen encounters

- The Dance of Dreams: an introductory mystery to dive right in to game play

See through the veil into the world of the Vaesen - for once you've begun, there is no going back.