Unspeakable things lurk in the distant reaches of the universe. Mysterious, ancient, and incomprehensibly powerful: they are known to mortals as the 'Great Old Ones'. Where they came from and what they want is often unclear. Some crave worship, some misery, and some have motivations beyond human comprehension. The only thing that is certain is that they are all dangerous.
That is why the Delta Green agency exists.
Welcome to Delta Green, Agent. We'll warn you, this career is dangerous. It will ask everything of you, and give you little thanks in return. You might save the world over and over, and no one will be any the wiser. Are you prepared to risk everything - your safety, sanity, your very life - for the greater good? Yes? Then grab yourself this Delta Green RPG Slipcase Set and dive in! This set comes with both of the books that both Agents and the Handler will need:
- Agent's Handbook:
- Agent creation rules, including professions and skills
- Rules for investigations, combat, and sanity
- Guides for 'home' scenes to build out your characters and their motivations
- Equipment, assets, and how to use them
- Information your agents would know, like details on other federal agencies
- Handler's Guide:
- History, from prehuman to present day of the Delta Green universe.
- Great Old Ones, lesser entities, and rituals
- Guides on how to create new threats
- Hidden depths of the Delta Green agency, as well as another agency claiming to be the true Delta Green
- The ready-to-play scenario: Operation FULMINATE: The Sentinels of Twilight