NPCs! Come get your NPCs!
Do you need a character? We've got all sorts: fresh and old, big and small, wizened and wise-n't. From castle guards to tavern owners, skeevy back alley encounters to sordid love interests: they can do it all! Grab a handful at random or carefully curate your selection, then sprinkle them in to your next campaign to taste - no story is complete without NPCs.
Whether you're looking for a resource to give you ideas to populate your next session, or want a selection for adding on the fly when you need to improvise, get yourself a Pathfinder NPC Core book and never worry about coming up blank on characters again! This book comes with:
- Over 250 NPCs and their stat blocks
- Each section of NPCs is themed and includes information about them
- Diverse options of many different species and classes
- Sets of adjustments for ease of leveling and storytelling
This edition of the NPC Core comes with a sketch version of the cover.