The anger fuels you.
Gnawing, gnashing, demanding retribution. It pushes you to punish the one that caused your pain. Only one fate is sufficient, and only one thing is powerful enough to grant it: The Demon. You've found a teacher to guide you through the ritual. The time draws near.
Vengeance will be yours.
Rites of Vengeance is a zine-sized, solo RPG based on the Wretched & Alone system in which the player is attempting to summon a demon to help them enact revenge. Gameplay follows the course of a long, taxxing ritual, and centers around processing anger, grief, trauma, and the depths that all of these can push us to.
Should players decide to end the ritual early, either for their own emotional safety or because they find they don't want their character to go through with it, the game has a built in mechanic for abandoning the ritual that still provides a satisfying story arc. All you'll need to play is:
- A pencil and paper
- A 6 sided die
- A deck of playing cards
- 10 Small tokens of your choosing
- Either a Jenga tower or a bag of tokens
Are you willing to make the sacrifices the ritual asks of you to enact your terrible vengeance, or will you turn back before it's too late?
WARNING: Rites of Vengeance deals with subject materials not suitable for young audiences.